- Location: Farsø, Denmark
- Year: 2019
- Area: 400m²
- Skate design: Pivotech
- Construction: ENR
- Client/Developer: Vesthimmerlands Municipality
Main focus in designing the skatepark in Farsø was to ensure safe use for multiple users as well as allowing them to use the skatepark at the same time. Since the site specifications and limited size we came up with a solution to create a pump track like feature around the outer edge of the skatepark which becomes a narrow strip with street obstacles on the north side that is facing the facade of the swimming hall where the main entrance and hang out area are located. Skatepark is pushed down on the north edge in order to get more skate functions (china bank) as well as creating a clear edge between areas. In the center we have placed a bowl with two depths that is suitable for beginners as well as more experienced skaters and other wheel sports users.